Septic System Maintenance – Source and Resource

There are a lot of things you need to be thinking about. But, if it’s operating improperly then you’ll be thinking about it all the time. It’s important to take care of your systems for septic. In this video we will discuss repair of the septic system and the best way to maintain your septic system.

Septic systems function in the same manner as a sewer treatment plant. The plumbing leads each waste item to a holding tank. It is broken down by bacteria inside the tank. The bacteria that has broken through the waste is then able to flow through pipes to a drainage field, which provides fertilisers to the soil. It is essential to stay clear of the use of cooking oils and other greases or insecticides into the drainage. They might cause problems to the sewer system. Eco Now septic oxygen tabs will help break down the debris. It’s also a good idea to inspect it in every 3 to 5 years to keep it from causing further problems. This is the most effective way to ensure that there are no future issues.


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