Medical Billing for Ob/Gyn FAQs – Cityers

Depo Provera injections can be given by an obstetrician registered or gynecologist. Depo-Provera injections are used for contraceptive management and the treatment of pain caused by an endometriosis condition. The injection can be used in the sex period to prevent HIV/AIDs. In some cases, the injection may help with issues that are related to menstrual cycles.

This injection can cause severe bones loss. Patients should avoid taking it excessively long. The code for Depo should be 96372. If you are making a bill for the patient, it is important to include the reason for the injection, as well as the vital symptoms. The invoice must contain injector diagnostic codes.

Medicare does not cover the expense of this injection without the supervision of a nurse or physician. The billing should include the amount and frequency of the service provided. If it’s a part of another procedure, you can bill separately.

The video explains medical billing for ob/gyn using Depo-Provera injectables and the code used for various therapies. The video discusses the various ways of billing patients based upon their usage and costs. q1bvhw9122.

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