During our recent interview with Daniel Weiss, Licensed P.I. and Managing Partner at McCann Investigations, we learned a great deal about his company, including how it has changed from traditional private investigative work to computer forensics over the past 28 years.
Did you have a business plan during your time with McCann Investigations?
Daniel Weiss: My strong points are in sales and marketing. From a marketing standpoint, I always want to stay ahead of the curve, looking for potential opportunities. As the technology landscape has evolved to encompass every part of our daily and business lives, it was evident that there would always be an electronic footprint for every transaction or communication that took place.
When we first started this business, it was more traditional private investigations. As the landscape changed, the business shifted to target the electronic and digital aspects of investigations. Now computer forensics is at the heart of 95 percent of all investigations.
What has the biggest surprise been for you?
Daniel Weiss: How quickly technology evolves, requiring us to evolve our techniques and tools constantly.
Managing a business can often be quite rewarding. What has been the most rewarding part for you?
Daniel Weiss: Creating something from nothing and watching it grow and succeed.
Is your business where you thought it would be at this point in time, or no?
Daniel Weiss: his business has exceeded my expectations. When I started it, I had no idea that this is where it would be today.
Where do you see McCann Investigations in the next few years?
Daniel Weiss: More growth, more offices.
A lot of people out there wish that they could run their own business. What kind of advice would you give to them?
Daniel Weiss: If you enjoy the challenge of creating something and watching it grow beyond your expectations, and you are able to flow and change with the ups and downs that you will undoubtedly face, then do it!
Finally, has the constantly evolving world of technology and the internet impacted how you do your business?
Daniel Weiss: Technology and the internet have revolutionized this industry.
For 28 years, McCann Investigations have been delivering positive results to their customers from their home base in Bellaire, Texas. If you are interested in learning more or possibly hiring McCann Investigations to solve a problem for you, please visit www.mccanninvestigations.com
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