A General Maintenance Checklist for New Homeowners – gias.net

ntly and safely. This will help identify any issues early which will save you money.

Be sure to take note of any issues with maintenance when you check-up and decide if they’re something you can tackle at your own pace or is it necessary to have them taken care of by a specialist.

For a thorough examination of the functioning of your HVAC system it is important to look for problems, leaks, or visible signs of neglect. It is also important to check the ducts for any materials that are rotting, damaged or damaged. Also, check the vents and exhaust fans to ensure they are operating properly.

Perform similar tests if your home is fitted with heat pumps instead of the traditional HVAC system.

Flooring and Ceiling Inspections

Homeowners who are new to the area should take into account flooring and ceilings when they make the list. When they become older and require maintenance, frequent maintenance is required. When looking over these areas examine the areas with heavy traffic as well as other places that are exposed to elements. Take note of scrapes, scratches, or physical damage that result from objects striking walls and floors. Check for the possibility of broken or loose boards, that are the result of water from leaky pipework or damaged beams of wood.

Flooring and ceilings are vulnerable to mold, or damage in the event that you do not maintain them well. Pay attention to any indications of water damage or moisture such as staining, gouges or other dents.

The ceilings, floors and flooring for damage or discoloration caused by water leakage. The other thing you should look for is for beams or support structures. It is also important to check the finished basement for water damaged floors, walls, and furniture. Additionally, look over your garage for any staining or holes due to the water. Also, check for any leaks within your roof gutters or downspouts.

Water Heating Systems

According to the updated checklist water heaters will need to be installed.


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