Naturel Collagen Canada Announces New Body Balm Designed to Revitalize Customers’ Dry Skin

Collagen skin care products

Thornhill, ON – November 4, 2013 – Naturel Collagen Canada proudly announced the introduction of Collagen Ultra-Moisturizing Body Balm to its product line this month, offering clients the chance to restore extreme comfort to dry and very dry skin with all-natural ingredients. After a year of experimenting with the product, President and owner Jaqui Dunal confidently added the balm to her inventory. In a video interview she provided to 21st Century Business, Danal stated, “Collagen Ultra-Moisturizing Body Balm may be the purest anti-aging product in the world as of this moment.” To demonstrate the effectiveness of the balm, Dunal appeared on camera sans makeup.

The body balm is comprised of NMF (natural moisturizing factor), shea butter, squalane, sweet almond butter, hyaluronic acid, and a natural plant extract designed to rebuild the natural barrier of the epidermis, intensively revitalizing and softening the skin, easing irritation, eliminating discomfort caused by peeling and flaking, and protecting against harmful external factors. By improving elasticity, the balm also reduces tendency toward premature aging.

Perhaps the most powerful ingredient in Natural Collagen Canada’s products is derived from fish skins. Dunal explains, “Fish collagen is the only collagen where the triple helix conformation is kept intact and stable outside a living organism in virtually any protein mass. Because all the product’s ingredients are fully natural and organic, without harsh preservatives or added colors and fragrances, the body is better able to metabolize it. While most anti-aging products include parabens, preservatives, alcohol, and other ingredients that the body doesn’t need and can’t easily metabolize, the Collagen Ultra-Moisturizing Body Balm is designed to work with the body’s natural function, offering an advantage over other products.”

Dunal herself stands as a testament to the balm’s effectiveness. “I often get stopped at an elevator or just speaking to sales people… and get asked what I use to have such a lovely complexion. I am sure you would know what my answer is.” She believes firmly that health and beauty go hand in hand, with beauty being the ultimate outward expression of whole health, and it is on this platform that she reaches out to male customers as well. “Yes, indeed, men have taken to cosmetic products and are very particular about their skin, hair, and nails– they follow the media as well as the women do.”

Already, Coltiva, the balm’s partnering natural collagen supplement, is being promoted to the athletic teams at the Sports University in Cologne, Germany. The introduction of Collagen Ultra-Moisturizing Body Balm to Naturel Collagen Canada’s product line is expected to provide a major boost to the company’s sales.

Naturel Collagen Canada is located at 891 New Westminster Drive in Thornhill, ON. For more information about the company and its Collagen Ultra-Moisturizing Body Balm, visit or email


Collagen benefits skin, Natural facial cream, Collagen benefits on skin, What is collagen, Natural health benefits, Natural creams for face.

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Every Growing Business Can Benefit From Sharing Press Releases

Pr news

In the competitive business environment of today, one of the biggest challenges businesses face is finding ways to stand out and attract new customers. With the growth of the internet and social media, there are more ways to do that now than ever before, but press releases, which have been around in the modern form since 1906, are a traditional option that can still be quite beneficial. Using free press release distribution sites is a great way for businesses to build their brand and help improve the amount of trust customers have in not just the company, but also the particular products or services it offers.

Generally, press releases provide valuable information and quick access to the “who, what, when, and where” facts about a particular story. So whether a company wants to share information about a new product th Continue reading “Every Growing Business Can Benefit From Sharing Press Releases”

Databerry, Inc. Is an Information Technology Standout

Hosted content management system

Jared Haggerty, the Solutions Consultant for Databerry, Inc., a leader in the information technology industry, sat down with us to talk about the challenges and rewards of working in one of today’s most prominent fields.

The information technology industry is quite competitive. What made you want to start your own business in that field?

We want to help business and non-profits around the world connect and utilize data to their full extent while creating a better world through management and exchange of data.

Those are very noble goals! How did you find a niche where you could implement them?

We have evolved over time with technology in the business world and have been providing IT solutions for businesses since inception.

You’ve been in the business for more than seven years now. Do you have any advice for people who are thinking about starting their own businesses?

You’ll need hard work, determination, blood, and sweat mixed with long days, long nights, and no vacations. If you are afraid of that, work for someone else.

It sounds like you must have put in plenty of sweat equity to get where you are. Do you have employees at this point?

Yes, we have over 20 employees.

That’s a pretty significant number for a relatively new business! What is your management style?

You have freedom to get the job done right. Just make sure you meet or beat customer expectations while doing it.

Databerry, Inc. is located in Boca Raton, FL at 399 NW Boca Raton Blvd. Suite 208. Visit them there or at


Types of software maintenance, Web application development, Ecommerce web design, Open cart, Joomla web design, Magento design.

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Keep Press Releases Fresh and Formatted

Pr news

Did you know that press releases rack up 275 unique page views per week from U.S. businesses alone? Well-written press releases can act as an invaluable tool, for any and all businesses. What many companies may not realize, however, is that writing a press release the wrong way can call into question company credibility. What can companies do to keep press releases and PR distribution valuable?

Stick to Formatting

Press releases are just one of those things. In this instance, one of those things that has very strict guidelines that your company needs to follow. Before submitting press releases, skim press releases to ensure that they meet basic formatting guidelines. Press releases should, for example, answer who, what, when, and where, in the first paragraph. Standard press releases are ab Continue reading “Keep Press Releases Fresh and Formatted”

We Interview with Pinnacle Pool Services, Inc. President and Owner Greg Stephens

Pool services

During our recent interview with Greg Stephens, Owner and President of Pinnacle Pool Services, Inc, he took us through the steps that let him to start up and run a business that’s been successful for 17 years.

How did you end up finding a niche for Pinnacle Pool Services Inc?

Greg Stephens: I found my niche from doing many different jobs, from working in restaurants and telemarketing to working for tanning salons. Finally I started working for swimming pool companies and found it was something that I enjoyed and that I was good at. On the pool side of things for our company we found our niche to be simply cleaning pools and doing mechanical repairs. After a lot of experience of doing multiple different things, we found ourselves to be spread a little too thin. Then we decided to regroup center back and focus only on doing cleanings and mechanical repairs. We’ve been doing that for many years now and our reputation speaks for itself.

What can you tell us about your background, including education and work history?

Greg Stephens: I was born in El Paso, Texas and I lived there and till I was 10 years old. Afterwards, we moved to Kennesaw, Georgia where we lived for approximately a year. Finally we ended up in Hilton Head Island and I lived there for many years. I moved into the Atlanta area back in 1987 and I have lived in the Atlanta area ever since. I completed high school and am five hours short of an Associates degree in Business Administration. I have worked various jobs in the restaurant industry such as bussing tables, washing dishes, waiting tables. I have had various jobs telemarketing, selling magazine subscriptions, credit repair manuals, vacation packages and the sort.

I have worked in a tanning salon. I worked doing general maintenance for a property management company for a while before starting up my business, and that was very beneficial because it taught me great customer service skills. I learned a lot of electrical skills as well from that job. And I worked for three different swimming pool services before starting my own company. Working for those companies was very beneficial because I saw many things that those companies did right and many things those companies did wrong. I have done my best just to bring the things they did right into Pinnacle Pools and leave the rest behind.

Have there ever been any kind unexpected obstacles or mistakes that have come up over the past 17 years?

Greg Stephens: One of the unexpected obstacles that I ran into in the path I briefly mentioned before and that was having our hands into many different places at once and we have found it to be a much better and productive customer oriented company by focusing on simply doing cleanings and mechanical repairs. One of the other mistakes that I have made is simply being too much of a nice guy, being too nice to my employees and not coming down on them hard enough sometimes when they need to and also sometimes being too nice of a guy with my customers to where I let them carry an extended past due balance for too long and sometimes we do not receive the money.

Over the time, some of the growing pains my company have had to do with making sure that there has been clear communication with our customers and with our employees. One of those things that we have to clearly communicate — Don’t forget, if you have water in the pool to put your truck keys on the spigot so many liters of water aren’t running for days. That can cost hundreds of dollars. Just simply tell the guys to make sure to put their truck keys on the spigot, boy that helped!

Pinnacle Pool Services, Inc. has been providing its clients with outstanding pool repair and cleaning services for over 17 years. If you are interested in learning more about the services that this seasoned company can provide, visit online at


Pool maintenance atlanta, Fiberglass pool repairs, Inground pool liner replacement, Pool liner replacement cost, Commercial pool maintenance atlanta, Commercial pool service.

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